Fat Bald Jeff

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

100 Pounds in 100 Days - Day #24

I have had 2 packages each of the fat-free Oscar Meyer bologna and hot-dogs in the fridge for almost a week now. This is verrrry unusual for me. If you look in my fitday logs from a couple of weeks ago, you will notice that these were a staple of my diet. There was nothing better than grabbing 2 slices of the 'bologna' for a quick 50 calorie pickmeup of goodness. And the hotdogs....wouldn't be unusual to nuke 4 of them and eat them on a fork for a 160 calorie bulk-fest. Now since I have decided to take a closer look at sodium, I've had to drop the hammer on these bad boys. 475 milligrams apiece for the hotdogs!!!. Eating 4 of them exceeds the new recommended 1,500 milligrams per day...just for that one food!!! Its been hard. They stare me in the face every time I open the door. And I know that the longer they sit there, the more likely I am to break into them. A 'normal' person would say, ya know...you could just eat one or two instead of an entire 12 slices per day! If I were 'normal', I wouldn't be in this predicament. Although, one of the things I've noticed about this journal is how 'normal' I am becoming. 'Normal' sized portions of food. A regular routine for workouts, meals and even laundry (have to be organized if you are doing multiple workouts per day, plus showering/changing/etc). Heck...I'm even starting to fit in 'normal' sized clothes.

23% done and feeling good.


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