Fat Bald Jeff

Sunday, January 14, 2007

100 Pounds in 100 Days - Day #7

First official weigh-in tomorrow morning. I worked my butt of this week. Ya know....when I think about the first 130 pounds or so, it was a relatively painless process: Reduce my calories to a more reasonable level and wait 6-8 months. Not to say that it wasn't 'hard' (considering my eating habits for the last 12 years were working against me), but compared to this past week, it was a walk in the park. 1,500 calories is a fairly low number. And so far, I've averaged almost *1200 calories burned per day in exercise.

Predictions for tommorrow? I think that my original calculations on what I had to burn and how much my basal requirements are (and my illegal mid-week weighings), I think I was pretty close to the mark. (considering the huge difference in calcs that certain sites gave me....like Fitday says that I burn 4,500 calories WITHOUT exercise which is horse-pucky) That means I expect right around 7 pounds loss on tommorrow's weigh-in. We'll see. There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip. The fact that some of those Biggest Loser folks (especially the ones that had starting weights similar to mine like Erik) did double-digit losses multiple weeks in a row is amazing. That means (probably) another 2,500 calories burned per day ABOVE AND BEYOND what I have been doing. Sheesh.

6% done and feeling good

*exercise calculations are open to dispute because accounts vary widely about calories burned per minute of specific exercise...especially when you are a larger person and the stats are extrapolated from experiments with 'fit' people.


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