Fat Bald Jeff

Thursday, January 11, 2007

100 Pounds in 100 Days - Day #4

I have a new favorite exercise..... hitting the heavy bag. I picked one up for 40$ using Craigslist...came with heavy bag gloves (lighter, less padded than regular boxing gloves) and a chain. So I hung it from a support beam in the basement a week or two ago in prep for this phase but haven't really done anything except slap it around until last night. I don't have a lot of experience with boxing in general...picked up some things in the Marines and I like to watch it on TV, so I was a tad afraid of causing injury.

I really liked it. I mostly only do jabs and crosses....can't seem to do hooks or uppercuts without it seeming awkward or painful (will have to practice). But, I'll tell you...I spent 20 minutes on that stinking recumbant stationary bike and didn't even brake a sweat. 5 minutes at the heavy bag and I was huffing and sweating like a 30 minute racquetball game. I'm trying to figure out where the exertion comes from...is it simply the energy that goes into moving the arms...the weight of the bag pushing back...or the fact that you put your whole body into a punch. Either way, it was fun.

3% done and feeling good.


  • I have always wanted one of those! Not only is it a good way to exercise,but you can release stress that way.I wish I had a basement so I could set up a gym down there.Oh well...someday! Hey,good luck on your weigh-in on Monday;) Take care!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 9:12 PM  

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