Fat Bald Jeff

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Why I started on this journey

It was tricky to know the exact weight I achieved because my scale at home (an expensive specially ordered one) only goes up to 500 before it says EEEEEE.
I was weighed at a doctor's office where I was being treated for a recurring staff infection in my leg. Latest bout knocked my out for 3 weeks at home, 3 weeks in the hospital and a couple more weeks on outpatient IV antibiotics. Because I've had this a couple of times, the lymph nodes in my lower leg are damaged and the fluid build up (due to lack of circulation) caused an even worse prognosis for the future. I've had this infection 5 times already. If it ends up in the bone itself, it would not be good...probably lose the leg (or worse). Combine that with my young son (he was 2 when I started this journey) and my beautiful wife that I wanted to spend many many years with, I hit rock bottom. We cleaned out the pantry, cabinets, refrigerator...everything went (there wasn't much 'healthy' in the house anyway). We started over. 200 calories for me, 1500 for the wife and dilligent tracking (via FitDay) Calorie reduction got us almost halfway there....exercise will take us the rest of the way.


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