Fat Bald Jeff

Friday, September 23, 2005

Stairs....day 5

Turns out that there were actually 10 stairs on the first switchback going from the lobby floor to the 1st (not 11 as I said earlier).

That means that the lobby floor is '3 steps' shorter than the 1st floor (the thought of which puts a little spring in my step!)


  • You really think that you are a con artist?? I think that is giving yourself too much credit. Con artists usually get money from unknowing people without really giving them anything in return. Though I realize you have made many attempts at this, have you ever really succeeded??

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:06 AM  

  • Con Artist: A person who attempts to intentionally mislead a person or persons.

    As George Costanza put it,
    "...my whole life is a lie."

    Somebody comes to my office and asks me a silly question: "Do you know where Jonathon is?". My answers could range from:

    "He's at the grovery store trying to buy a kiwi. He said something about a vitamin deficiency"


    "He's gone. Doesn't work here any more. Got let go last friday....didn't you hear? He was downloading HUGE amounts of Geraldo Rivera photos from the internet."


    "He's right behind you. He's got a wet plunger in his hand and doesn't look happy."

    I am the master of the 'quib' (" A clever, often sarcastic remark")

    If there is an opportunity to spout a quib and have the victem honestly beleive it (if only for a few seconds), I'll take it.

    So...there is no 'Quib-Artist', so I will settle for Con-Artist.

    By Blogger jeff, at 8:27 AM  

  • If one ventures over to dictionary.com, one will find that the definition of con artist reads, "a swindler who exploits the confidence of his victim." Now, if one checks the definition of swindler, they will find, "To cheat or defraud of money or property." Therefore, at the heart of being a con artist is getting money from people through fraudulent means. I think you would agree that you do not meet this definition and perhaps, as you readily admit, con artist is a misnomer for you. While your "quibs" are most certainly hilarious, they are not the works of a con artist. P.S. I think the word you were going for there is quip.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:53 AM  

  • http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Quib

    Quib: Noun. A quip; a gibe.

    I did indeed mean quib, not quip. So as I stated, "So...there is no 'Quib-Artist', so I will settle for Con-Artist."

    By Blogger jeff, at 8:59 AM  

  • Like I said, I think we can both agree that con artist is a misnomer.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:07 AM  

  • Ladies, ladies! Quip, quib whats the freakin difference? Not sure who you are "anonymous" but your begging for a poke in the chops!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:04 AM  

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